The Prayer Courses

Workbook For
“Talking With Your Heavenly Father”

Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
Jesus, I lack wisdom in many different situations. I now ask God, Who gives GENEROUSLY to all without finding fault, and I believe specific wisdom for each situation will be given to me (James 1:5). I am filled with and even have training in world knowledge. I understand what the world is trying to say to me and what it means to me. And, I know how to apply this world training to my every day life. Help me always be asking God for His knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Human Wisdom VS. God’s Wisdom
Atheism And Agnosticism Are Vile
Jesus, help me take this prayer from David and apply it to my life. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Help me not be an atheist, who make this statement. And, help me not be an agnostic who says they don’t know whether or not You exist. Help me see that they are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good (Psa 14:1).

Jesus, the world system has tried to remove God from everything in my life. Since God is the only One Who represents good and calls doing bad things, evil, help me see that it has caused them and me to want to justify hurting myself and others. And, it has caused them and me to try to do away with God. They taught me that I don’t need God in order to succeed at life. But the results of my life are telling me that, that is not true.

Distracting People Is Vile And Corrupt
Jesus, the world has tried to keep my attention only on those things I can see. However, help me understand that there is one thing I will always be able to see through God and that is results. Teach me that the rejection of God’s existence is why there is so much hatred, killing, and pain. Help me break away from all these failures and suffering. Let the results I get from my heavenly Father help me KNOW for sure that He is here with me. Help me be set free from the lifestyle of the corrupt and vile.

Praying For Your Focus And Attention
Jesus, let these prayers from the Psalms help me find out how wonderful God really is. Show me that it is wise to get His help, and, it is foolish to reject His existence. I now pray to You, my heavenly Father, and I ask You to help me take advantage of Your existence and love. Help me see clearly what is real and what isn’t. I ask You to help me keep praying for Your help rather than just depending on myself.

A Prayer To Seek God
Moving Into The Light Of Truth
The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God (Psa 14:2). Jesus, I thank you that I am starting to get God’s KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, and WISDOM. Help me see that this is what my heavenly Father is looking for. I now ask You, heavenly Father, to continue giving me more and more of Your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; let this be the great turning point in my life.

Waiting To See What You Decide
The LORD looks down from heaven: Jesus, I have a pretty good idea what the world has to say about how to solve my problems. They have FLOODED me with all their opinions, beliefs, systems, and principles. As God looks down at me to see whether or not I am willing to let them go, help me let every one of them go.

To see if there are any who understand, any who seek God: Jesus, teach me that the ANSWERS for how to win over my difficulties with spending will start to flow into my heart and mind, as I seek God. Show me that I will see a real difference, when I start turning these things over to Him. I now ask You, heavenly Father to please fill my heart and mind with Your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; let them get my feet set on a healing path.

Praying For Training
Trained For Getting And Giving Help
Jesus, help me accept the fact that all have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one (Psa 14:3). If my house catches on fire, I am glad someone took out the time, put in the effort, and spent the money to be train on how to put out fires. When I read the words, they have together become corrupt, I typically think of corruption as me DOING something bad, like setting a house on fire. But, help me see that God is concerned about the fact that there is no one who does good. Teach me that it’s good that I don’t set people’s houses on fire; but, it DOING GOOD when I learn things like how to put fires out.

The More You Get, The More You Can Give
Jesus, help me see that it’s wonderful that I am turning to God and getting my needs met; but, show me that I am also learning how to help others. Those who aren’t willing to turn to You for Your help, never get helped and never learn how to help others; help me see that, that is bad. Empower me to learn how to GET and SHARE things that are God-sized, supernatural, and FREE. Most of the help the world gives is expensive; they can only deal with one “help” issue at a time; and, I would have to go through a lot of educational training, degrees, and professional development to be able to share this help with others. Teach me Your way of healing and training so I can be a living example of Your mighty power and love.

Praying To Be Helped And To Help
You Have What Everyone Has
ALL have turned aside: Jesus, teach me that I am not needing to pray a special prayer that is unique to me; everyone goes down this road. When I feel like I am a person who is pretty good, or, when I feel like a person who is the worst person in the world, help me realize that I am a person who hurts myself and other people. Help me understand these underlined words in the verse “ALL have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” Make it clear to me that “turned aside,” to “become corrupt,” and to not do “good,” means I have done corrupt things. The word “ALL” includes me!

We Are All The Same
Jesus, it is good to find out that I am not any worse than anyone else. But, it is also good to find out that everyone needs what I need. Teach me that, as I get helped, I have learned and received what everyone else needs. The more breakthroughs I get in my life, the more breakthroughs I will be able to help others get. You are teaching me how to win at life so I can help others win at life through You. Help me understand that even though others may be going through things somewhat different from what I went through, the principles are always the same for them as they were for me.

Praying Is Calling On The Lord
Praying To See The Facts
Will evildoers never learn--those who devour My people as men eat bread and who do not call on the LORD (Psa 14:4)? Jesus, help me not continue to be an evil doer. Help me learn how to get rid of every aspect of evil in my life. Help me look at things from my own perspective and learn. People have hurt me, they have led me down bad paths, they have encouraged me to do things that damaged me, and they have let me down. Whether they did it on purpose or accidently, their deeds have still caused me to suffer. Let that realization help me see why I need to ask God to help ME not be like them. Let this realization take me out of the group of “evildoers” who never learn.

Praying To Understand Evil
Jesus, teach me that when I USE people to help me get extreme pleasure in my body, I am hurting them in ways I don’t understand. When I USE people to try to get my own needs met, I hurt them. Show me that I can do “evil” and not even realize how much I am damaging others and myself. Help me understand that the way I got to the place where my life was pretty messed up was by doing things that I thought were okay. But, even though I was ignorant of the “evil” that was in those deeds, I and my friends still got hurt by them. Help me not be like these people in Psalms 14:4 who never learn; help me join the group who do “call on the Lord.”

Praying For Desire
Praying To Take Advantage Of The Pain
There they are, overwhelmed with dread, for God is present in the company of the righteous (Psa 14:5). Jesus, whether or not I feel “overwhelmed with dread,” the pain I AM feeling from my issues with spending is because I need Your help. Teach me that feeling dread is like being hungry or thirsty, there is this pain telling me that I need food or liquids. But, as I eat and drink, the pain goes away. Teach me that this is the way it works with the pain that comes from my struggles with spending. Help me see that there is this pain in my heart and life that is trying to tell me that I need You to help me. Then, as I get the help I need, let it get rid of the pain. Show me that this is because God is present in the company of the righteous.

Praying About Your Deeds
You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor, but the LORD is their refuge (Psa 14:6). Jesus, help me see the pain and suffering of those less fortunate than me. Show me that God loves me; He just doesn’t like some of the things I am doing. Teach me that there are things I think, feel, say, do, and believe that are doing damage to me and my friends. Show me what I am doing that is damaging me and those around me. Show me how to yield to the changes You want to make in me. Help me start being a blessing and a help to people who are poor, weak, and suffering.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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