The Strategy Courses

Workbook For
“Living Victoriously Introduction 1”

How To Get The Right Things
Constantly Being Allowed To Enter My Life.

The Submission Courses
Jesus, use Study Two - The Submission Courses, to help me examine things I need to be constantly allowing to enter into my life. Teach me what the four doors are that I must allow You to open to God and the powerful provisions of God. But, before You start teaching how to open these vital doors to God, help me be able to identify God’s voice and influence when He comes to me.

Identifying God
Jesus, help me become familiar with the things of God. Help me know the difference between the things of God, the things of the body, the things of the world, and the things of the devil; let that help me stop living a very confused, frustrated, and defeated life. Show me that not knowing the difference between these four influences is part of what caused me my difficulties with alcohol. I opened the door to things that would hurt me; and, once opened, they have been very difficult to close.

My Number One Assignment
Jesus, teach me that my very first assignment in spiritual growth is to IDENTIFY and OBTAIN God and the incredible things He offers. I often think of things in terms of bad and good; teach me that there are also things that are right and wrong. Show me that sin is what God named things that are bad or evil. However, make it clear to me that God also has plans for me to do those things that are right and best for me and the people around me. Teach me that there are things that can hurt and damage me that aren’t sins; they can hurt and damage me just because they aren’t the right or best things for me.
The Bible And Jesus Will Teach Me
Jesus, by taking me through The Submission Courses, teach me the difference between the things of God, the things of the body, the things of the world, and the things of the devil; let that change me. Through this training, change who I am allowing to communicate with me. And, help that change my thoughts, feelings, attitudes, desires, patterns of life, and my reactions to the environment around me. Let that start setting me free from alcohol issues. And, let that start putting things in me that will replace the causes for WHY I am having difficulties with alcohol.

Relationships, Provisions, and Power
Once I Know It Is God
Jesus, teach me that God and the things He offers will be vital to making all the next four studies and efforts work. Help me understand that in these first four studies You will be dealing with my emotions, my body, my attitudes, and my will. Show me how to yield my emotions, body, attitudes, and will to the influence of God. Help my know when God is working with my so I will be able to yield in these four areas.

Making A Trade
Jesus, teach me that the key concept You will be dealing with in these courses is that God and the things of God drive out bad things. Let them drive out the bad things I do with my body, the debilitating enticements of the world, and the enslaving temptations of the devil. As You and I drive out all of the negative influences by replacing them with the positive influences of God, let my struggles, difficulties, and problems with alcohol be forced out. Through submission, empower me to only allow the positive effects of God to direct my life.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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