The Strategy Courses

Workbook For
“Living Victoriously Introduction 2”

God Has A Wonderful Plan For Me
I Would Like To Get Into God’s Plan
Jer 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jesus, make it clear to me that when I became a child of God, a member if His family, and a citizen of His eternal Kingdom, He started forcing everything to work together for my good. Rom 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Show me that for me to move into God’s purpose and plans for me, I need to allow You to show me what they are. You not only have a plan for my life, You have a plan for getting me there. Teach me that all I have to do is allow You to get me ready for Your plan for my future.

God Foreknew Me
Rom 8:29-28 (NIV) For those God FOREKNEW He also PREDESTINED to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified. Jesus, just like there are all kinds of roads that have been made for me to travel on, I could just try to create my own path for where I want to go. Help me see that God knew me before I was born; and, that is what Romans 8:29 is talking about when it uses the word, “foreknew.” He foreknew all the things that would give me my very best opportunity to reach my greatest potential. So, He made perfect decisions for me, my life, my circumstances, and my opportunities. Make it clear to me that HE DIDN’T MAKE ANY MISTAKES!

God Provided Me Predestination
Jesus, teach me that there is a path I can take that will get my to the very best destination FOR ME. But, help me understand that just because God “paved” a road just for my doesn’t mean I will get on it. My attitudes and character can cause my to take a path that is very hard, dangerous, and wrong for my. However, You have a plan that can get me on the right path and moving forward in a powerful way. Show me that Your strategy is to help me get the attitudes and character that help me cooperate with God’s plan for my life. Show me that the right attitudes and character will empower me to love those things God loves.

Using Six Biblical Principles To Get In God’s Plan
  1. Empower me to DESIRE the best things for me;

  2. Empower me to STUDY those things that prepare me for God’s best;

  3. Empower me to PRAY and ask for those things that are God’s very best;

  4. Empower me to look to You to give me the faith so I can BELIEVE that God has ALREADY paved the way for me to get His best;

  5. Empower me to yield to God’s LOVE so I will share God’s best with others;

  6. Empower me to take FAITH-ACTION and live out God’s best for me.
How To Get On The Path
Jesus, train me on how and empower me to live this Scripture: Prov 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

I Trust in the LORD
Jesus, show me that You are going to be teaching me, leading me, and empowering me to trust in You, my Lord. Since it isn’t clear to me what trusting in the Lord is, give me special tools for helping me put my trust in You, Lord. Help me realize that trusting in You isn’t an all inclusive, one big moment event. I have to trust in You moment by moment and issue by issue. Show me that I can trust You one moment over one issue and not trust You in the next. Teach me that this moment-by-moment, issue-by-issue concept builds a constant relationship with You. It helps me be constantly talking things over with You.

I Trust In The LORD With All My Heart
Mat 7:7 (NIV) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Jesus, teach me that to ask for something is to simply pray for it; but, to seek for something is to do it with passion, intentionality, determination, commitment, and with strong emotions. Help me see that I may trust in the Lord with a casual attitude; or, I can trust You with all my heart. Help me see that if I am going to get on God’s path and stay there, my trust will have to be with all my heart.

I Do Not Lean On My Own Understanding
Jesus, the world has put the full burden on me. If I make a mistake, that is MY problem. If I get caught doing something wrong, bad, or evil, the punishment is on ME. I had better KNOW what I am doing, UNDERSTAND why, what, and how I am doing it, and have the WISDOM to know how to best apply it. If I don’t, I am on my own. But, help me see that once I tap into Your mind, I won’t need to or want to lean on my own understanding. And, let me understand that the more I stop leaning on my own understanding all during the moments and issues of my day, the more I will stay on the straight path of God’s plan for my life.

In All My Ways I Acknowledge Him
Jesus, make it clear that not only do I need to be looking to You for all Your knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom, when You give me great ideas and feelings, help me be sure to acknowledge the fact that it all came from You. Help me give God the credit, the praise, the worship, the thanks, and the appreciation for it. Rom 1:21 (NIV) For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking BECAME futile and their foolish hearts WERE darkened. Teach me that this is the results of what happens to me if I don’t “do what it takes” to get into God’s plan for my life.

He Will Make My Paths Straight
Jesus, help me understand that once You have trained me and empowered me to fulfill this Scripture, You will help me be at the right place, at the right time, doing and saying the right things, to the right people. Rather than me using trial and error methods, world training, human effort, or satanic influences, I will live a life that stays on target. My goals, my relationships, and my results will be directed by YOu. You will help me reach the right kind of goals that will help me succeed in on earth and will enhance my eternal life. Make it clear to me that as You take me through these courses, You will help me live out this Scripture.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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