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The Purification Courses For
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Getting Wrong, Bad, And Evil Things Out Of Your Life
There are two studies in this “Life Success Level Thirteen” group. These two studies make up the Purification Courses; in the previous Resistance Courses Jesus introduced you into how to take advantage of your relationship with God so you and He were able to resist those things that are wrong, bad, or evil that are trying to get in you. You had to learn how to stop the flow of wrong, bad, and evil things. Jesus is now ready to teach you how to use that relationship with your heavenly Father so you can have a clean and pure life. You and He will be working together to help you clean out all those things that are hurting you like the issue you are having with life.

If you had started the Purification Studies before you learned the Biblical principles of resistance, you would find yourself cleaning up messes in your life while new problems kept entering. As fast as you would get rid of one issue or problem out of your life, a new one would come and take its place. Jesus had to help you first close the door to any new wrong, bad, or evil issues. Now that you have learned how to keep any new bad things out of your life through the resistance principles, you are ready for Jesus to help you start taking care of those things that are already inside your life. Let’s take a look at what Jesus will be covering in these two studies.

Holy Spirit Exposure
The first study is called: “Purification Through Exposure.” There are three areas where Jesus can expose us to God and the things He wants to influence us with. The first type of exposure comes from the Holy Spirit; He makes us feel a good type of guilt that helps us feel bad about things we do that are hurting us and other people. This guilt is coming our way because we are being exposed to the Holy Spirit’s view on life. Almost every person on earth is experiencing this guilt from the Holy Spirit as He works through their conscience. Most people don’t get a choice about whether or not they are going to be exposed to that pressure from the Holy Spirit.

There are only two types of people who aren’t being exposed to conviction and guilt from the Holy Spirit. Those who are too young to be held accountable for the issues of right and wrong. And those who have resisted the Holy Spirit and forced Him out of their lives. 1 Tim 4:2 (NIV) Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They have sealed their own doom; they have closed the door to the One Who was trying to help them turn to Jesus and repent.

Bible Exposure
Jesus will be exposing you to additional pressure to get rid of bad and embrace good through the Bible. This is the second area He uses to expose you to the things of God. The more you read and study the Bible the more you feel a need to get rid of those things God calls sin. Jesus will teach you that this is because sin is the label God puts on all those things that hurt you and others. The Bible also pressures you to desire righteousness because this is the label that God puts on all those things that help you and others.

Righteousness Exposure
Jesus uses a system of you being set free from things like your struggles with life. Rather than you having to spend a lot of time concentrating on getting rid of these things, you will be able to concentrate on being filled with righteousness. Then righteousness will crowd out these wrong, bad, and evil things that are already in your life. Righteousness has a counterpart that pushes out the bad things. These are opposites of bad things that your are empowered to start doing INSTEAD of the wrong, bad, or evil things you were doing before.

Exposure Through Prayer
The fourth area of exposure comes through prayer; as we open up this special communication with God, we are exposed to the attitudes and character of our heavenly Father. We start experiencing His “holiness,” “purity,” “godliness,” and “righteousness.” A lot of the time these terms are misunderstood; we start thinking about some kind of attitude and character that is a lofty spiritual concept that only relates to God.
Holiness, purity, godliness, and righteousness in God are the same things that God wants us to pray and ask for in our relationship with ourselves and with those around us. Those things we dislike in the way others treat us are the things that God has rejected in His Own attitudes and character. Those things we need and want in our relationship with ourselves and others are the same things God has allowed to be in Him. God is all those things that bless, heal, and benefit us. God isn’t any of those things that hurt, damage, or destroy us.

When you pray and allow God to put all those things that bless, heal, and transform you and others, you are becoming holy, pure, and righteous. When you pray and allow God to fill you with these things that bless, heal, and benefit you and others, you are letting Him crowd out all those things that hurt, damage, and destroy you.

The second study is called: “Purification Through Transparency.” There are three areas that involve the issue of us being transparent. The first aspect of us being willing to be transparent is for us to be honest and open with ourselves. Transparency is a willingness for us to see ourselves the way we “really” are; it is us facing all our weaknesses, shortcomings, sins, and failures.

This introspection can be quite painful. It can be embarrassing, cause feelings of guilt, make us feel regret, and can hurt our esteem and confidence. Without the support of Jesus and His Biblical principles in this study, you would more than likely never be able to get these things cleaned out of your life. You would shrink away from the pain and refuse to suffer the mourning process. BUT, when you allow these painful things to come to the surface, Jesus heals your heart from things that have caused frustration, anger, confusion, depression, fear, hopelessness, and feelings of rejection. A lot of the time, problems like your issue with life are YOUR attempt to heal your own heart.

Openness With God
Another area of need is for you to be able to be transparent with God. As you start being honest and open with yourself, it makes it possible for you to start sharing these things with God. Sharing things with God is vital to your survival as you take a realistic look at who you are. You need God’s love and wisdom as you look at what you feel, think, say, and do. The pain and disappointment you can feel from allowing yourself to be reevaluated by Him will be healed by His love you feel from Him. Your philosophies, beliefs, habits, addictions, relationships, and character are changed by Him. As you let Him see them, He shows you ways to replacing them with better things.

God is so loving, gracious, kind, and forgiving, in His attitudes toward all your mistakes, sins, failures, and weaknesses. He helps you face yourself while assuring you that you are loved, accepted, cared for, and forgiven. Those condemning and judging attitudes you can get from yourself and other people can either close you back up or do damage to you. God, on the other hand, can so love you, heal you, and help you that you are able to keep being honest and open.

Open With Others
Once you have allow yourself to see those things that are wrong with you, and, once you have taken all those things and presented them to God, Jesus may ask you to do some work with those you have wronged, damaged, hurt, or failed. It is one thing to look at your own faults, failures, sins, and weakness, and, it is one thing to open up to a loving and forgiving God; but, it is a totally different thing to start opening up to other people.

People can be unforgiving, judgmental, unwilling or unable to understand, and they can hurt you. However, part of the healing of your heart comes from you getting healing in your relationships with other people. You need to not only love yourself and be loved by God, you need to be loved and accepted by those around you. Jesus uses this study to bring the principles that help you get the freedom, deliverance, and success you need in all these areas.

Please Choose One Of These Courses.

Purification Through
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