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Spending Issues

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“Bible Life University.”

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We want to congratulate you for your wonderful progress through defeating your problems with spending. Also, CONGRATULATIONS for just completing your HELP eMagazine training. You and Jesus have worked together to help you gain the victory over the issues with spending. You have been willing to make personal sacrifices of your time, efforts, money, and energy. You and Jesus have developed a very special relationship that has built a lot of wonderful experiences, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

You are now ready to start sharing all of these wonderful miracles with those around you. Even though your friends may not be having to deal with the issues of spending, that doesn’t mean you can’t use all your spiritual growth and training to help them. You have had awesome experiences with God, with His Word, and with His provisions. You can use all these things to bring healing to all kinds of hurting people.

Helping The Hurting People
In Your Community
We recommend that you continue your studies and spiritual growth by joining the courses in Bible Life University. It is a program that presents Scriptures that help you take all this training and transformation and apply it to others. As the Holy Spirit guides you into more and more of God’s truths, you will be able to transfer all the miracles in your life into the lives of your friends.

It hasn’t been Jesus’ objective to just teach you ALL of the Bible so you can keep it all to yourself. Jesus has helped you be introduced into those Scriptures that tell you how to get into a close and intimate relationship with Him, your heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit. You have been learning how to allow them to teach you ALL of the Bible and tell you how they want to influence the activities of your life.

Your Friends Need You
Now that you have allowed the foundational Scriptures show you how to yield to Jesus, you are ready to go forward in your Christian life, and your mentoring and ministering to others. You have a lot more to learn and grow into; we never know it all or reach the perfect life in Jesus Christ our Lord. It is our prayer that you devote yourself to the principles you have learned and that you use them to keep growing in God.

Then as your friends reach this same ending point in HELP eMagazine where you are now, they will need your encouragement to keep moving forward by joining Bible Life University’s Beginning: Year One program. It will be their turn to start leading their friends into daily “Devotions With Jesus,” “HELP eMagazine,” and “Victorious Christian Living” as they go through the first and second year programs for themselves.

It Keeps On Spreading
You will be ready to train them on how to use all these training and transforming programs. As you keep moving forward, you will keep growing spiritually. You will keep learning how to transfer these things to others so they can grow spiritually. And, you will help them share these things with their friends so they can grow spiritually.

What we are describing here is the METHOD Jesus started that has the potential of spreading around the world. In other words, people who are suffering right now will have hope that the message and ministry of Jesus will come to them soon.
Bible Life University
You, on the other hand, are ready to move forward in your training. Let’s take a quick look at how far you have come and what is now available to you through Bible Life University.

A Mentor Through Beginning: Year One
You now know WHAT to share with those who are going through what you went through by sharing your victories with them (mentoring). Through Bible Life University’s “Beginning: Year One” you will learn HOW to share it as a mentor. It uses the tools found in daily Devotions With Jesus. You and your friends will be able to go through it and you will able to mentor them in the areas where you experienced victories over the various issues of your life.

A Minister Through Growing: Year Two
Through BLU’s “Growing: Year Two” you will learn how to be a minister by sharing the Scriptures you learned through it. Year two provides you with Scriptures and training that help you minister to hurting people who are going through things you may never experience. You will learn how to use the tools found in HELP eMagazine to help people with all kinds of personal problems. As a minister, you will be trained to help hurting people in all walks of life.

Becoming A World Changer Through Maturing: Year Three
After your studies and life application in “Growing: Year Two,” you will be ready to learn how to become a World Changer through learning the Scriptures provided in BLU’s “Maturing: Year Three.” It is our prayer that you will at least go into Bible Life University’s home page and look at the benefits, introduction, and look over the instructions for that program.

Let’s Work Together To Reach
Our World For Jesus
Jesus has helped us provide Books For Successful Living, HELP eMagazine, New Life, Talking With Your Father, Devotions With Jesus, Christian Fellowship, Sermons For Life, Living Victoriously, and Bible Life University for you to be able to use as tools, as you reach out to the hurting people around you. We will be adding additional materials to all of the World Changer TLC programs and ministries. We hope you will help us with that part of this ministry.

As you are continue to grow spiritually, continue to mentor, and continue to minister to hurting people in your community, you will discover ways of reaching people that could possibly be used on this website. It will take extra effort on your part to document the things God is using you in; but, if you make it available to us, we can start making it available to others. This website is free, available twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, and is available to all who have internet access around the world.

WCTLC.COM is a powerful tool for God’s people to use to reach the world for Jesus. Pray for us, as we do the ministry that God has called us to do. Go to the top or bottom of this page and select the “Bible Life University” words and read all that it is offering you and the people around you. You will not be disappointed you did.

God bless you abundantly; we are constantly praying for you. Your friends in the staff of World Changers TLC

Please Choose One Of These Courses.

Bible Life

“My Power Growth Record”

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