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The Protection Studies For
Fear Issues

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The “PROTECTION” Studies
There are four studies in this “Life Success Level Sixteen” group. These four studies make up the Protection Courses; the previous Prevention Courses introduced you into how to use the protecting power of God to win over fear. They also explained many of the ways for using that protecting power to get internal healing. You are now ready to use all your training and breakthroughs to help others get the victories you have. However, you CANNOT protect a person who HAS NOT been born again. John 3:3 (NIV) In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

They MUST Be Born Again
Before we and Jesus go into the protection issues, we need to allow Him to prepare us for making sure our friends have been saved and justified. 1 Cor 2:14 (NIV) The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The people Jesus uses you to protect spiritually MUST be Christians. You CANNOT protect a person who is unsaved. Therefore, you MUST check and see whether or not they have “done what it takes” to become a Christian. At the bottom of this page, you will be provided a way to get some material that will help you make sure those you are protecting ARE saved and justified through Jesus. But for now, let’s talk about your friends who are Christians.

The Four Protection Courses
    Let’s take a look at what these four courses will be covering.
  • The first study gives the vital infomation on what Protection For Others is.

  • The second one shows you how to start getting God’s help with using the protective power of God by providing Protection Through Relationship.

  • The third one talks to you about letting God’s Protection Through Jesus help you provide His protection for others.

  • The fourth one goes into the aspects of Protection Through Love for your friend’s lives.

Course One: Protection For Others
Helping The Untrained
New and untrained Christians don’t know what you know, don’t have all the spiritual tools you have, haven’t developed all the spiritual skills you have, and don’t understand all the aspects concerning what is good for them and what is bad. God has not only trained and equipped you so you can be safe and successful, He has done these things so you can provide temporary protection for those who need it.

Using Your Training
This study introduces you into how to protect your friends from things that would hurt them. It guides you in how to use those things you have been trained in for assisting them in avoiding pitfalls and traps that would typically ensnare them.

Course Two: Protection Through Relationship
People won’t accept your spiritual help until they trust you; but, hopefully they ALREADY trust Jesus. They need to know that you are sincere, knowledgeable, skillful, and successful in your own life through the powerful work of Jesus. You need to show them that you will ONLY build a good quality relationship with them so they can get to know JESUS and the BIBLE. The more they find out that you TOTALLY put your trust in Jesus and the Bible, they will allow you to guide them in their relationships and decisions through Jesus and the Bible.

Course Three: Protection Through Jesus
You Can’t Protect Them
You will meet people who will allow you to make decisions for them, tell them what they should do, and be their conscience for spiritual decisions. They will accept your help for as long as you are willing to do their decision making for them. They will refuse to allow Jesus to start guiding them directly; they will want Him to talk to you and you talk to them.

Only Jesus Can Protect Them Through You
You should only be willing to start them off with information from Jesus to you and then to them. You will need to keep pushing the responsibility over to them so that they can establish their relationship directly with Him. If they refuse to progress in their relationship with Jesus, then you will have to let them fail with the hopes that, that failure will help them start looking to Jesus for themselves.

Course Four: Protection Through Love
You Must Love Them
As you read the Gospels and see the love of Jesus and how it is demonstrated through Him, it will help you learn how to yield to God’s love. Through the Gospels, Jesus will train you by teaching you certain principles for how to protect others BECAUSE you love them. Also, He will show you some great examples for how to provide great spiritual protection for your friends through God’s love.

Loving Througn God’s Love
You can misunderstand what love requires of you; you can do too much for people or you can do too little. The life of Jesus is wonderful for helping you find that just-right type of relationship of love. In this study Jesus will help you see what to be looking for in your life with Him.

The “How To Get The Power-Life” Book
In making sure the friends you are trying to protect spiritually are born again, Jesus can help you take your friend through the steps into being born again, becoming a child of God, joining God’s family, and becoming a citizen of His Kingdom. The book, “How To Get The Power-Life” is a great way to walk your friend through the steps of praying The Lord’s Prayer. Check it out and see if it is something you would like to use with your friends.

“The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation” Book
If Jesus wants you to go over the course, “The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation” on the website, just go to “Your Life Map” and select “Resources” on the blue bar; then select “The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation” Week One. You can also get a copy of the course “The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation” in book form by selecting the sentence below.

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