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The Discovery Courses
For Loss Of A Loved One Issues

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“Finding The Right Method” Week Two.

Four Steps Of Discovery
In order for Jesus to help you deal with the problem or issue that is bothering you the most in life, you need to discover four things about yourself. To do that, Jesus has provided you with four Discovery studies; the first one is “Finding The Right Problem;” the second one is “Finding The Right Relationship;” the third one is “Finding The Right Method;” and the fourth one is “Finding The Right Spiritual Training.” Let Jesus show you what He wants to help you DISCOVER.
  1. Finding The Right Problem: In this course, Jesus deals with the question: “What problem in your life is doing the most damage to you?”

  2. Finding The Right Relationship: In this course, Jesus deals with the question: “What would He have to do in your life to solve your most damaging problem?”

  3. Finding The Right Method: In this course, Jesus deals with the question: “What kind of spiritual tools would you have to learn how to use in order to get this solution?”

  4. Finding The Right Spiritual Training: In this course, Jesus deals with the question: “Where are you in your spiritual relationship with Him?”
Let Jesus give you the answers to these these four Discovery questions.

The Discovery Courses
Winning Over All Your Problems
In “Finding The Right Problem” Jesus will help you identify the major problem that is causing you the most trouble. Then in “Finding The Right Relationship” He will help you build a special relationship with Him that will bring healing into your life. Next, in “Finding The Right Method,” Jesus will help you DISCOVER three tool sets that you will use to get all your needs met. After that in “Finding The Right Spiritual Training” Jesus will show you how to use your three tool sets on courses that He will use to provide you with the healing, blessings, and miracles you need. He will help you skip any courses that you don’t need, and, will show you why you need certain other courses.
Finding The Right Problem
What problem in your life is doing the most damage to you?
In Discovery Course one, if you are not sure which problem is bothering you the most, Jesus will help you be able to:
  • Pinpoint the major thing that is doing the most damage.
  • Identify the problem that is causing most of the other problems.
  • Decide which problem needs to be worked on first.
  • Pick the problem that will motivate you enough to keep you moving forward in Jesus.
  • Match that problem with the right relationship.
Finding The Right Relationship
What would Jesus have to do in your life to solve your most damaging problem?
In Discovery Course two, Jesus will help you be able to:
  • Develop a special relationship with Him.
  • Make sure that you understand how much He loves you.
  • Teach you how to allow your major problem to motivate you to develop a special relationship with Him.
Finding The Right Method
What kind of spiritual tools would you have to learn how to use in order to get this solution?
In Discovery Course three, Jesus will help you get three tool sets that are:
  • The Three Keys To All Of Christianity.
  • The Six Biblical Principles.
  • God’s Eight Power-Attitudes.
Finding The Right Spiritual Training
Where Are You In Your Relationship With Jesus?
In Discovery Course four, Jesus will help you find out where you are in your spiritual journey by introducing you to all of the PROGRAMS and COURSES available to you:
  • He will take you from the very beginning programs to the most advanced.
  • He will help you examine yourself to see which study you should start with.
  • He will help you skip any studies that you don’t need to get involved in.
  • He will help you not get bored with studies you already know and protect you from getting into studies over your head.
Recording Your Progress
To keep track of where you last studied,
please get and print the record sheet called “My Power Growth Record.”
It will help you remember what you have already completed
and what to study next.

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please select your next week’s course,
“Finding The Right Method” Week Two.

Finding The Right
One Week

Finding The Right
Week One

Week Two
Finding The Right
Week One

Week Two

Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
Week One

Week Two
The Spiritual Interactive

One Page

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