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The Discovery Studies
For Addiction Issues

Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

Getting Specific
Choosing Your Specific Addiction Issue
If you have several addiction issues that are bothering you the most or if your addiction issue isn’t listed, then the “Addiction” word below might be the best word to choose. It uses all the same Biblical principles as the more specific subjects use. It just uses the word “addiction” in the place of one of the specific words. If the addiction issue you are struggling with is listed below, then select it. This will help you apply the same Biblical principles to your specific problem. Then Jesus will get you started with the “Finding The Right Relationship” course.

Please select the issue
you want Jesus to help you with
before going to “Finding The Right Relationship” studies and prayers.

Addiction Issues:
Addiction Pornography Sex    Gambling Spending Drugs Alcohol Food

Select this title
for your copy of your record sheet.
It helps you keep track of where you have studied.

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