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The Progress Studies For
Spirituality Issues

Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

Welcome To The Progress Studies
Jesus will probably take you through four studies. He typically starts with “Understanding Spirituality Issues” for those who are pretty sure it is the major problem bothering them. These four studies are called “The Progress Courses” because they lead you into the steps for making progress in winning over spirituality issues. He usually uses these four sets of material to take you into four major Bible principles that show you how to deal with it.
  • Understanding Spirituality Issues: Jesus helps you with understanding how you got in this condition in the first place. He reveals the pitfalls, traps, and lures that draw you into having a problem or issue that becomes very difficult to be free from.

  • Understanding Jesus’ Solution: He starts showing you what kind solutions He has to offer.

  • Understanding Jesus’ Method: He exposes you to eight things you must have; for you to totally understand what you are dealing with, there is a work the Jesus has to do on your heart.

  • Understanding Jesus’ Help: He helps you understand the God of these solutions; if you can understand how Jesus works as He solves your problems and issues, then you can cooperate with Him because you understand and agree with what He is wanting to do.
Let Jesus take you into a quick look at His purpose for all four sets of reading material.

Understanding Spirituality Issues
The first issue Jesus deals with you about is how you got where you are. You need to be helped to understand some important things about your journey into, through, and out of your issue with spirituality. Your issues aren’t unique in that there are a lot of people who are going through what you are going through. But, it is unique in that Jesus will be treating it as being something that is major in your life. So, He won’t dealt with it the same as He would deal with other, smaller types of problems and struggles. It is vital that you understand what it is going to take for Jesus to help you with your specific problem with spirituality.

Understanding Jesus’ Solution
There are a lot of people and programs that offer all kinds of solutions and ways of getting your issue with spirituality dealt with. Jesus takes you into this study to show you what He has to offer, if you choose to address it His way. He offers solutions that are very different from most of the programs and systems you might try. Jesus helps you be able to decide whether or not the Bible way is what you are looking for. He leads you into an examination of what you can expect, as you start to allow Him to show you how to be helped and healed. He gives you a chance to see the principles, philosophies, systems, and truths that you will be using to experience the deliverance you have been looking for.

Understanding Jesus’ Method
Part two is a continuation of part one, where Jesus takes you on through the foundational parts of what He is telling you we all need, if you want to be blessed, healed, and victorious over such problems as spirituality. There are eight things you need to ask Jesus to help you with so you can see your life set free from these kinds of struggles and circumstances.

Jesus is an expert on helping you be the kind of person who is capable of being helped. There are attitudes and characteristics that can be in people that keep them from getting the help they need. Jesus is telling you what kind of person you need to be so you will allow Him to help you. This takes you to the place where the process of help, healing, blessings, miracles, and changes can start to be fulfilled in you.

Understanding Jesus’ Help
Once you understand the principles, concepts, philosophies, and techniques that Jesus uses to help you be healed, you are ready to get to know your heavenly Father better. He isn’t just about principles and solutions, He is also about friendships and relationships. It is true that God thinks thoughts that are supernatural and incredibly wise. But, He also feels feelings that are incredibly loving, caring, and kind. Getting to know God on a relational level will help you trust Him much more.

Jesus uses this study to help you see God’s character and attitudes; He explains the reasons behind many of His principles and requirements. It is important to you and even more important to God that you understand where He is coming from. He wants you to understand so you can take advantage of all He offers because you trust Him.

Moving Into The Blessings
And Healing Of God
You are now ready to pray and ask Jesus to help you select the name of the study that will help you experience the power and love that your heavenly Father is ready to give you. Jesus typically has people start with “Understanding Spirituality Issues” and then progress from there. We are praying for you that you will get the help you are looking for. You are heading into power that is supernatural; God can do what no one else can do. Jesus will be teaching you how to take advantage of God’s power.

You aren’t just learning how to deal with the issues of spirituality. You are allowing Jesus to take your issue with spirituality and teach you how to win at all the problems of life. If you apply yourself to Jesus’ principles that set you free from your struggles with spirituality, you will have also learned how to win over all of life’s problems.
Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

Spirituality Issues
Week One

Week Two
Jesus’ Solution
Week One

Week Two

Jesus’ Method
Week One

Week Two
Understanding Jesus’ Help
With Spirituality Issues
Week One

Week Two

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