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The Resistance Courses Part 1
For Guilt Issues

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The Resistance Courses
Resisting Bad Decisions
You can find yourself in undesirable relationships, financial habits, negative emotions, or spiritual temptations that you just can’t seem to win over. Also, during the normal activities of your day, there are situations where you are faced with making questionable decisions. You can be pressured to do things you know you shouldn’t. Living a quality Christian life requires you to avoid many pitfalls, traps, and dead end paths all during your day. Learning how to handle these things through Jesus’ power-resistance is vital in these situations.

Submitting To A Relationship With God
James 4:7 (NIV) SUBMIT yourselves, then, to God. RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you. In Resistance Part One, Jesus will be walking you through three vital prevention principles. He will be presenting them through three Resistance Courses. In the previous Submission Courses He introduced you into how to keep developing a closer and closer relationship with your heavenly Father by SUBMITTING to Him. This was so you would be able to win over your issues with guilt. He also explained many of the ways for you to take advantage of that special relationship.

You are now ready for Jesus to teach you how to use that relationship with your heavenly Father. This will help you work together with Him to RESIST wrong, bad, and evil things. You and He will be working against those things that are trying to get into your life to hurt you. Preventing them from happening is far better an having to get rid of them.

A Whole-Life Approach
Studying and Praying
Keep in mind that these courses consist of only two pages each day for five days. As with all of the Victorious Christian Living courses, on the first page you will study the vital Biblical principles. On the second page, you will pray and ask Jesus to apply those principles to your life. Even though you will only study and pray over two pages each day, by the end of a year, Jesus will have made tremendous changes in your life.

Living Life with Jesus
Studying and praying are only part of your spiritual growth. You and Jesus will be going out in life; and, He will be helping you apply that day’s truths. If you are exposed to a lot of concepts, it will become overwhelming. On a typical day, you and Jesus would first go through the Study Page together. After that, on the Prayer Page, you would ask Him to empower you to live those truths. Then all day long you and He would work on you living a superior life. He wants to bless you, empower you, and enhance all aspects of your life.

As you allow Jesus to teach you how to resist wrong, bad, and evil things, you PREVENT them from happening in the first place. Take a look at what you and Jesus will be covering.

The List Of Resistance Courses Part One
  1. Creation: Jesus will use the first course to give you the steps into how to resist wrong decisions, bad behavior, or evil temptations through His CREATION.

  2. Faith: Jesus will use the second course to show you how to resist by getting His miracles through FAITH to prevent things that are trying to hurt you.

  3. Trust: Jesus will use the third course to talk to you about resisting bad things by you TRUSTING Him with your life.

A Quick Look At Resistance Part One
Resistance Through Creation
Have you ever walked outside on a clear evening and looked up in the sky and felt the greatness and awesomeness of God? Have you ever walked through God’s creation and didn’t notice because you were distracted by some issue in your life? Did you know that since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen (Rom 1:20)? Jesus wants to teach you how to use His creation to resist your body, the world, and the devil’s attempts to draw you away from God.

Resistance Through Faith
Did you know that faith has to do with you believing in God’s honesty and integrity. Have you ever REALLY needed something from God desparately and lacked the faith to get it? Have you ever tried to resist something your body, the world, or the devil was trying to get you involved in and lost the battle? Did you know that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of your faith? He wants to establish a relationship with you that perfects your faith so you will win in life.

Resistance Through Trust
Have you heard people say that trust has to be earned? Have you ever trusted someone and they hurt you really bad? Did that make it hard for you to trust other people? Jesus wants to teach you how to USE trust to resist things at are trying to hurt you. It doesn’t seem like trust could do that; but, Jesus has a way for you to trust Him and then be able to test those things around you. You and He will build a greater trust relationship that will protect you from all kinds of dangers.

BEING a Christian opens the doors to all kinds of possibilities. However, you have to learn how to rid yourself of your old way of doing things back when you WERE a different kind of person. You have to keep moving forward into the FULL benefits and provisions of who you are now.

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“Resistance Through Creation” Week Two.

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Resistance Through
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