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The Resistance Studies Part 2
For Child Raising Issues

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“Resistance Through Truth”
Week One.

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The Resistance Courses
Resisting Bad Decisions
Jesus has already taught you a lot about how to resist and prevent undesirable relationships, financial habits, negative emotions, and spiritual temptations that were trying to ruin your life. You and Jesus have been walking together all during the normal activities of your day. He has been helping you handle situations where you are faced with making questionable decisions. You and He have been working together during times when you were pressured to do things you knew you shouldn’t. Now He is ready to take you to the next level in resistance.

Adding Tools To Your Prevention System
James 4:7 (NIV) SUBMIT yourselves, then, to God. RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you. In Resistance Part Two, Jesus will be walking you through four vital prevention principles. He will be presenting them through four Resistance Courses. In the previous Resistance Part One Courses He introduced you into how to use His creation, how to take advantage of His power-faith, and how to put more of your trust in Him. This was so you would be able to keep winning over your issues with child raising.

You are now ready for Jesus to teach you how to add new resistance principles to the ones you have learned so far. As you add to them, you will advance in your prevention efforts. This will help you to keep working together with Him to RESIST wrong, bad, and evil things. You and He will be working against those things that are trying to get into your life to hurt you. Preventing them from happening is far better an having to get rid of them while they are hurting you.

A Whole-Life Approach
Keep reminding yourself why these courses consist of only two pages each day for five days. On the first page you are studying the vital Biblical principles. It is important that you keep your mind and your heart open to them. On the second page, you are praying and asking Jesus to apply those principles to your life. Be careful not to get into a routine. Jesus only responds to a sincere heart and mind. Ask Him to help you hunger and thirst after His righteousness. You need these new truths operating in your life.

Don’t forget that studying and praying are only part of your spiritual growth. You need to be allowing Jesus to go with you out in life. If you don’t invite Him everytime you face an issue, He will step back. In your mind you need to consult Jesus by asking Him what He wants you to do. He wants to help you all day long; but, He MUST be invited into EVERY situation. Ask Him to help you get into a habit of asking Him what He wants you to do all the time.

As you allow Jesus to teach you how to resist wrong, bad, and evil things, you PREVENT them from happening in the first place. Take a look at what you and Jesus will be covering.

The List Of Resistance Courses Part Two
  1. Committment: Jesus will use the first course to help you resist through a greater TRUST in Him and His truths.

  2. Truth: Jesus will use the second course to teach you how to use TRUTH to resist lies, deception, misinformation, and half-truths.

  3. Love: Jesus will use the third course to help you resist because you LOVE Him, other people, and yourself.

  4. Renewal: Jesus will use the fourth course to teach you how to be involved in constant RENEWAL so you can be more and more successful at resistance.

A Quick Look At Resistance Part Two
Resistance Through Commitment
Have you ever committed yourself to goals, pursuits, concepts, careers, relationships, or philosophies that have hurt you? Have you ever had them take you away from the destinations you wanted to reach? Have you locked into a determination that drove you into doing things that proved to be bad? Have you made up your mind to be and do things that ended up being the opposite of what you thought they would bring you? It is possible for you to commit to God and get everything you have ever wanted.
Did you know God has plans for you? Jer 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. If you commit to them, He will set you on a determined and unwavering path that keeps you from being open to any other plans. However, if you are committed to the wrong thing, then you are trapped on a path that is leading you in the wrong way. If you are committed to God, He will make sure everything works out for your good (Rom 8:28).

Resistance Through Truth
Have you ever thought something was true only to find out it wasn’t? Did you know that your SOURCE of getting information has a lot to do with whether or not you get the truth? Truth is the way things really are; Jesus is taking you into the words of truth. Truth is the opposite of a lie; it gives you the facts about things. Truth makes sure you don’t misunderstand concepts and principles. It shines the light on obscure issues and reveals all the facets of a matter.

Did you know that Jesus and the Bible are your SOURCE of truth? John 14:6 (NIV) Jesus answered, “I am the way and THE TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 17:17 (NIV) Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth. When you know the TRUTH about something, you are able to base your life on it. When you know God’s truth, you are able to see things clearly so you are able to make good decisions and resist bad ones.

Resistance Through Love
Did you know that you have to love yourself in order to love your neighbor? Mat 22:39 (NIV) And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ However, did you know that the love you love God, your neighbor, and yourself with came from God Himself? Rom 5:5b (NIV) God has poured out HIS LOVE into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given us. God’s love empowers you to resist your body’s, the world’s, and the devil’s type of “love” that is sick, selfish, and even evil.

Since God has given you HIS LOVE, you have a motivating power that makes it possible for you to want to do good and resist evil with great intensity. Love lays the foundation and sets the direction for you being and doing things to yourself, others, and God that are pure and beneficial.

Resistance Through Renewal
Renewal is the difference between you ACTING like a Christian and BEING one. Apple trees produce apples because they ARE apple trees. You went from BEING a sinner and producing sin to BEING a Christian and producing righteousness. Renewal makes it possible for you to think, feel, say, and do all kinds of good things because of who you are. Renewal keeps you from being a hypocrite. Jesus uses it to keep you real, sincere, open, and honest with yourself, other people, and Him.

Jesus uses renewal to help you resist teaching people what you know rather than what you are living. He helps you live through the power of renewal so you can continue to BE what you represent yourself to be. What you want to be, what other people think you are, and what you are trying to be must be presented in truth. Jesus helps you resist ACTING like you are something that you will be but aren’t yet.

BEING a Christian opens the doors to all kinds of possibilities. However, you have to learn how to rid yourself of your old way of doing things back when you WERE a different kind of person. You have to keep moving forward into the FULL benefits and provisions of who you are now.

Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

Resistance Through
Week One

Week Two
Resistance Through
Week One

Week Two

Resistance Through
Week One

Week Two
Resistance Through
Week One

Week Two

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