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The Power Courses Instruction
For Alcohol Issues

Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

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Going From Power Introduction
To Power Instruction
Introducing Why and Instructing How
The issue you are looking at is power. There are two studies in “The Power Courses;” the first course is, “What Is Christianity?” In it, He addressed three issues: “Why Become A Christian?”, “How Would I Become A Christian?”, and “How Can I Become A Christian Now?” The second course is, “How Do I Become A Better Christian?”. If you have become a Christian, you need Jesus’ instructions for how to get, keep, live, and mature in Jesus’ power. That is this course on “How Do I Become A Better Christian?”

Instructions For The Power-Life
In these instructions into Jesus’ power on “How Do I Become A Better Christian?”, He will help you look at four courses. In the first one called: “How Do I GET The Power Life?”, He will help you learn the steps to yielding to His power working in your life. In the second one called, “How Do I KEEP The Power Life,” He will show you how to work with Him to get His power flowing into more and more areas of your life. In the third one called, “How Do I LIVE The Power Life?” He will help you join Him in cooperating with His life flowing through your life. And, in the fourth one called, “How Do I MATURE In The Power Life?”. He will take you into how to grow spiritually so you can take advatage of His power in areas of miracles and supernatural manifestations as He works on your attitudes and character.

Give It A Fair Chance
Even if these four courses don’t seem to be addressing what you thought you needed, it is very important that you give Jesus a chance to help you see if you need them. Millions of people have already found that these Jesus-principles gave them the power they needed to deal with alcohol. If you find yourself struggling with having the power to live like Jesus teaches you to in the Bible, it could be because you need some of these step-by-step instructions from Him.

Truth Produces Results
There are a lot of “theories” about how to get, keep, live, and mature in the power-life. The important thing isn’t a matter of thinking or believing that you have taken the right steps, the important issue is making sure you have taken the right steps.

Taking Care Of The Basics
If you are having problems with your relationships, then you may need to allow Jesus to use these studies to help you make sure you have been born again. You need Him to help you make sure you are following a day-by-day walk with Him. And, you need Him to help you make sure you are working on your future with Him. If you find yourself struggling with your attitudes or your character, it is important to make sure that Jesus’ Biblical steps have been fulfilled.

If you would like to let Jesus
take you through a quick look at His purpose
for these four courses, select this sentence.

Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

How To Get
The Power Life
Week One

Week Two
How To Keep
The Power Life
Week One

Week Two

How To Live
The Power Life
Week One

Week Two
How To Mature In
The Power Life
Week One

Week Two

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