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The Submission Studies Part 1
For Depression Issues

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before selecting one of the study titles.

The “SUBMISSION” Courses
Now That You Know Jesus’ Strategy
There are seven studies in this “Life Success Level Nine” group. These seven studies make up the Submission Courses; the previous Strategy Courses introduced you into how you and Jesus are going to be able work together to help you win over depression problems. They laid out the method or strategy God uses for training you with His truths. You are now ready to allow Jesus to teach you how to USE that information by connecting to the great wisdom and knowledge of your heavenly Father.

Seven Areas Of Need
You have seven areas where the difficulties of life attack you.
  1. If you are EMOTIONALLY sad, fearful, depressed, discouraged, down, or if you are angry, frustrated, upset, or hateful it will do damage to you and how your day goes.

  2. If your ATTITUDES and CHARACTER are starting to do damage to your relationships in business, family, friends, associates, and strangers, it hurts your ability to win during your day.

  3. If your THOUGHTS aren’t disciplined enough or are too regimented, you won’t be able to consider all the possibilities.

  4. If your CHOICES and DECISIONS are being made without the benefits of all God’s knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom, you will be choosing things without adequate information.

  5. If your WILL-POWER is causing you to push into places that you really shouldn’t have been so demanding, or, if it is not strong enough to take a stand where you shouldn’t have given in, then you will be finding yourself in places where you shouldn’t be.

  6. If your BODY is giving you probems such as wrong, bad, or evil desires, temptations, cravings, addictions, or habits, you will have difficulty focusing in on the important issues of your day.

  7. If your LIFE is based on concepts, principles, beliefs, influences, or pressures that haven’t been filtered through God, then the foundation of your life is unstable.
Seven Areas Of Jesus’ Help
Jesus has the answers, solutions, and miracles that heal these seven needs.
  1. Jesus will use the first study to give you the steps on how to deal with your EMOTIONS. If you are EMOTIONALLY sad, fearful, depressed, discouraged, down, angry, or if you are angry, frustrated, upset, or hateful you and Jesus will be able to take control of them and get them working with you rather than against you.

  2. Jesus will use the second one to talk to you about letting Him help you with your ATTITUDES and CHARACTER. If your ATTITUDES or CHARACTER are starting to do damage to your relationships in business, family, friends, associates, and strangers, Jesus will empower you to receive great ATTITUDES and CHARACTER from Him.

  3. Jesus will use the third one as a study on how to get the best results from your THOUGHTS. If your THOUGHTS aren’t disciplined enough or are too regimented, you won’t be able to consider all the possibilities.

  4. Jesus will use the fourth one to help you take a look at the aspects of your CHOICES and DECISIONS. If your CHOICES and DECISIONS are being made without the benefits of all God’s knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom, Jesus will help you identify, respond to, and cooperate with God’s voice and influence.

  5. Jesus will use the fifth one to go into the aspects your WILL-POWER. If your WILL-POWER is causing you to push into places that you really shouldn’t have been so demanding, or, if it is not strong enough to take a stand where you shouldn’t have given in, Jesus will teach you how to focus your WILL-POWER on truth.

  6. Jesus will use the sixth one to show you how to start getting your BODY under His and your control. If your BODY is giving you probems such as wrong, bad, or evil desires, temptations, cravings, addictions, or habits, you and Jesus will be able to work together to empower you to make your body submit.

  7. Jesus will use the seventh one to take you through the benefits of giving your whole LIFE over to the love, care, and wisdom of your heavenly Father. If your LIFE is based on concepts, principles, beliefs, influences, or pressures that haven’t been filtered through God, then Jesus will teach, train, and empower you to put your trust in God.

Four Doors Must Be Opened
Your Heart, Your Soul, Your Mind, And Your Strength
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH. This Scripture gives you a list of four things that have to be open to God. The power to open these four doors is love. Jesus will be helping you get these four doors open through these seven courses.
Using Jesus’ Power-Submission Part One
There are three courses in The Submission Courses Part One

Course One: Emotional Submission
Your emotions, that are flowing out of your heart, drive you into things you sometimes need to avoid. At other times they keep you away from things that have the potential of being a great blessing to you. You are currently submitting to ideas and philosophies that are governing your emotions. Jesus will be giving you a change of submission; His power-submission will help you stop submitting to wrongs things and start submitting to the right things.

Course Two: Attitude And Character Submission
Your attitudes and character effect EVERYTHING you think, feel, say, and do. If your attitudes and character are wrong, bad, or evil, all of the plans, goals, activities, and relationships will be contaminated by them. Jesus will help you learn how to use His power to submit to the attitudes and character of your heavenly Father. You will discover that He has what you need in order to be the kind of person who is successful in life. You will be shown just how wonderful and perfect He is and why you need to take advantage of His power. He will show you His power-submission so you can submit to God’s attitudes and character.

Course Three: Thought Submission
Your brain is a part of your body and has the desires for the rest of your body. Your mind is a part of your spirit and now, through salvation, has the desires that come from God. You have been filling your brain with a lot of information and experiences; they are now memories that have come from the learning and experiences of your body. But, your mind is being changed by the training and experiences you are getting with God.

Jesus will use this study to help you see the difference between the information stored up in your brain and the thoughts from your mind. Submission to God and the things of God will be giving you new training and new experiences that will be stored in your brain. These new training and experiences as memorized information will create the materials and tools for a new and better life. Then Jesus’ power-submission will enable you to live out these new truths in your brain and mind.

Using Jesus’ Power-Submission Part Two
There are four courses in The Submission Courses Part Two

Course One: Choices And Decision Submission
You have been using your God-given free will to choose what you wanted to learn and experience and what you didn’t. Your choices have produced the decisions and results you are now living with. Your choices have created the financial situations you are dealing with, the relationships you have developed, the emotions you have, the physical conditions you are facing, and your spiritual level of growth.

Jesus will help you evaluate your decisions and choices and show you how to improve them and how to make better ones. The Bible will introduce you into some of the most incredible choices a human can ever make. It will empower you to make choices that even set you free from bad choices you have already made.

Course Two: Will-Power Submission
We all have a built-in resistance to God’s goals and plans for our life. Your body has already shaped your life around its human needs. The world has also been shaping your goals and plans by telling you what they think you should aspire to. Satan has been luring you into the things of sin that produce spiritual diseases in you. All these influences are currently exerting great power over you.

Because of all these pressures, you have developed a determination to reach certain goals and plans that hurt you. The resistances you already have, are in direct opposition to God’s goals and plans that will bring life success to you. Jesus will empower you to not only see why you need to submit to God’s goals and plans for your life. You and He will establish new determinations, commitments, goals, and plans for your life.

Course Three: Body Submission
The human body is animalistic and very selfish; it lacks the ability to identify with other people. You, however, are a spirit being that is living in this body and have the ability to receive the attitudes and character of God. As Jesus helps you see the difference between your body and your spirit. He will be showing you how to bring your spirit into control over your body through His power.

Course Four: Submitting Your Whole Life
The incredible thing about all Jesus will do for you during these studies is that He is able to use them to give you dynamic principles that work for every area of your entire life. In these Submission Courses, Jesus will help you see how to take each principle you learn and empower you to apply it to all the other parts of your life. He will take your problem with depression and the desire you have to overcome it and teach you principles for your whole life. The system of God is so powerful and so wise that it works miracles that spread all through every area of who you are and what you do.

You won’t have to spend the rest of your life undoing things you shouldn’t have done. You won’t have to keep going over each individual issue and learn additional principles for how to deal with it. Each thing you learn and each spiritual step you take, as you learn how to win over your difficulties with depression, will prepare you for a whole new way of living for all your life.

Please read the information on this page
before selecting one of the study titles.

Submitting Your
Week One

Week Two
Submitting Your
Week One

Week Two
Submitting Your
Week One

Week Two

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