BLU Special Features

The Benefits of BLU

Bible Life
Special Features
of BLU
The Benefits
of BLU
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Invite Jesus Into This Time
Ask Jesus to help you as you take a quick look at these benefits. Let Him help you see what these three years will do for you. Join Him in helping you see what He will be providing you through Bible Life University (BLU). Allow Him to give you an overview of what He will be dealing with and what kind of blessings, training, and empowerment you will be experiencing from Him as you go through them.

Beginning: Year One
In this year, Jesus will be providing you with Bible training. He will help you learn how to work with Him so you will be able to help a person who is a NEW or UNTRAINED Christian.

He will help you:
  1. Show them how to grow spiritually in their relationship with their heavenly Father,

  2. Share with them how to live the Victorious Christian life through the Bible’s power and trainng,

  3. Teach them how to share with others the breakthroughs God gives them.

Devotions For Growing Spiritually
The main thing that is missing in a lot of new and untrained Christians lives is daily devotions. If a Christian wants to be able to live a successful and victorious life every day of the week, they HAVE TO be learning how to get Jesus’ help EVERYDAY. Even some of those who DO involve themselves in devotions are simply looking at a thought for the day or some random Biblical principle. They need devotions that will teach them how to walk and talk with Jesus all day long.

Jesus wants to be taking every new Christian into His Word each day. He wants to lead them into step-by-step Bible training. The Bible will help them learn how to work with Him so they can start improving the way they are living. EVERYONE needs His help with their moment-by-moment decisions and with their daily activities of life; Jesus, providing your friends with GOOD QUALITY DAILY devotions will help them learn how to get His help.
You and your friends must learn how to carry on special conversations with Jesus. They must help you grow in your relationship with Him; and, they must help you and your friends start living life the way it needs to be lived.

Devotions For Living Victoriously
All during this year you will be working with God as you take daily Devotions With Jesus and learn how to use it to help your friends develop their own relationship with God. They don’t know how to get His help as they make the decisions for their day. They don’t know how to get His power to help them avoid temptations that will damage their lives. The Scriptures in Devotions With Jesus and your mentoring will be very helpful in guiding them into praying. Rather than them just consulting their own brain or some untrained friend for guidance, you and Jesus will help them learn how to consult Jesus and be helped by Him all day long.

Devotions For Sharing With Others
Next, you and Jesus will show your friends how to use Devotions With Jesus to help others establish a close relationship with God. Jesus will start helping your friends begin sharing with their friends, so their friends will be able to use these Biblical principles to gain victories, make decisions, avoid life’s pitfalls, and get breakthroughs.

Mentor Devotions For You
All during this year, you will also have special devotions that are designed for you. Jesus will be using the Scriptures in them to help you keep moving forward in your own relationship with your heavenly Father. Through Mentor Devotions, Jesus will be helping you with your Bible knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; and He will be increasing them. All this will be happening WHILE you are working with Jesus to help others start their journey into the great things of God.

My BLU Record Sheet
Please select the sentence below for your copy of “My BLU Record” sheet. It will be good for you to get used to keeping a record of your progress. “My BLU Record” sheet will give you a way of keeping track of where you are in your studies. And, it will give you some instructions on how to keep a browser page open so you won’t have to keep working your way back to where you were studying last. But, if that isn’t possible, it will also help you with the procedures for navigating back to where you were.

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