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Bible Life University Growing: Year Two Growing Courses WCTLC Start Page Table Of Contents
Select “Growing Courses” Words Above To Get An Introduction To All Courses

The Special Features Of HELP eMagazine

As a regular participant in “Bible Life University” and a student of “Growing: Year Two,” you can access your studies in three ways.

1. You can select the words, “Growing Courses” in the blue bar above and they will take you to a quick explanation of all the courses you will be provided; and, it will let you go from there to the course you want to start.

2. You can select the “Table Of Contents” words in the blue bar above, and they will give you the course titles with the classes listed below them.

3. You can select a course title in the gray “Shortcut Bar” below, and it will take you directly to the couse you want to go to.



These BLU NOTES will be interjected into the each part of the HELP eMagazine Home Page.
A segment of the HELP eMagazine Home Page will be presented for explanation with a BLU NOTE.
The purpose is to help you train your student in Growing: Year Two
(See the HELP eMagazine Home Page segment below).

You will be using the HELP eMagazine materials as tools for helping your friends.
Growing: Year Two will be using these BLU NOTES to train you on how to use these tools.

Your Ministry Tool Subjects
These subjects on the gray Shortcut Bar and in the HELP Pictures below are the tools you will be using to help friends with moderate to severe personal problems. They are the typical subjects that most of your friends will be facing. Whether or not you are suffering from one of these issues, you will still be able to assist others with breakthroughs in these areas. The Biblical principles found in these studies can be used to help you and to help others.
In Beginning: Year One, you were to only work with those who were going through similar things that you had breakthroughs in. In Growing: Year Two, you will be able to help people with problems you have never faced before. HELP eMagazine uses Scriptures that apply to all the moderate to severe issues people face. You are entering into a study that will help you not only be able to mentor individiuals, you will become a minister who is able to work with much more severe issues.

Please review the words in the green text boxes below titled “Nothing Seems To Work” and “Power Makes The Difference” and then read the BLU NOTE below them.