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The Starting Your Day With Jesus Book List

The Book’s Subject
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The Book’s Content
Each book includes truth/prayer pages as a part of the book. There will be truths and then prayers in boxes on each page. The truths help you know Jesus’ Biblical truths. The prayers ask Jesus to help you get those things you just learned from those truths. Did you know you have to invite Jesus into those things you want His help with? Prayer is your way to ask Jesus to help you with those things you need. If you just study truths in the Bible, you will learn a lot of wonderful information. But, it isn’t until you pray and ask, that Jesus becomes willing to start helping you with each one of them.

Christian Leaders
If you are already a minister, pastor, or Christian leader, you may want to check out the comments for “Steps To A Worldwide Christian Movement,” at the bottom of this list, and pray about reading it first. If you are a Christian trainee, it is recommended that you start with “The Jesus Life” book.

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The Jesus Life

Four Major Things You Need To Know
  • One of the first things you need to know is, why are you alive?
  • The second thing is, what is life all about?
  • The third thing is, what does a good life look like?
  • Then the next thing you need to know is, how do you win or succeed at it?
You Need Jesus’ Answers
The truth of the matter is, Jesus has the answers to all these questions. And, you need His help in order to live a meaningful, satisfying, and purpose filled life. But, a lot of people don’t know why they need Jesus’ help in order to succeed at life. You may not realize that you need Jesus to teach you what life is all about. You need His teaching and training so you can understand why you face the things you do and what you need to do about them.

You Need Jesus
In this study, Jesus uses John 15:1-17 as His main theme. In these Scriptures Jesus is explaining how life works, and helps you examine the life-principles in it. Through these verses He provides you with the resources that are vital for life success. Jesus will help you see why you fail without Him. Life really starts to make sense, once you see how He provides you with the resources and tools you need. Jesus will explain all the benefits, the reasons for why some succeed and some fail, and what true life success is really all about.


The Seven Biblical Principles

Seven Things You Must Know
So many people pray prayers and never get an answer to any of them. Why? In this book, Jesus helps you learn that, if you want to start receiving His provisions for life, there are seven major things He requires of you. If you don’t know what these seven things are, you will always find it difficult getting God’s help with your life. Without them, you will not know how to “do what it takes” to have the kind of success that Jesus offers. The prayers, that are included in this book, take these Seven Biblical Principles and help you look to Jesus for training you on how to live on the basis of them.


Vital Spiritual Attitudes

Your Attitudes Make The Difference
Why do some people get blessed and get a lot of success in life and others don’t? In this book, Jesus explains that if you have attitudes that are always negative, they will keep you from moving ahead. But, if you don’t have the right kind of negative attitudes, you will be positively trying all kinds of things that will hurt you and your future. The challenge you face is knowing when to be positive and when to be negative.

You Need Stable Attitudes
Also, it is vital to have attitudes that can face anything that comes your way and win over it.


Victorious Christian Living

You Have Body Problems
There are times when you want to head in the right direction in life and other times when you don’t. There are times when you want to get up and start your day early but you can’t get out of bed. There are times when you want to do things you know are wrong and can’t fight the desires. There are times when you think things and feel things that don’t typically represent who you are. Where do these opposing thoughts, feelings, drives, and inconsistencies come from? How do you bring all this under your control?

Lacking The Power
Have you ever been drawn to something that you knew was wrong? There are times when you can think you are being tempted with something, when in actuality it is a drive of your body. It has reproductive drives, self-preservation drives, pleasure drives, sustenance drives and other animalistic drives. You, as a spirit being, don’t need these things. But, because of these body-drives, you don’t always get the cooperation you need for being successful in life.

Committing To The Christian Life

Empowering Your Commitment
Have you ever made a really good commitment to someone or something and failed to keep it? As you know, only those people who are able to make commitments and stick with them can really succeed in life. Jesus will use Scriptures to get you on the right track and empower you to stay there. Even when you have things come against you that are difficult, distracting, confusing, and resistive, Jesus will teach you how to stay the course. He has a supernatural power-commitment that will change your life.

Facing Difficulties
Pretty much everyone would win at life if they never had to face adversity; but, you know that isn’t the way life works. Plus, there is human commitment and there is Jesus’ power-commitment. Jesus will help you use His training to dig into Scriptures that show you how to get His power-commitment. Then the prayer pages, that are included in this book, will take those Scriptures and help you pray for Jesus’ power-commitment that strengthens your resolve through Him.


The Seven Faith-Building Questions

Faith Is Vital
Did you know that when you doubt something God says in the Bible it is basically calling Him a liar? It is like telling Him He doesn’t know what He is talking about. It is like seeing Him as being untrustworthy. It is doubting His integrity, love, grace, mercy, generosity, and faithfulness. Faith in Jesus and your heavenly Father is one of the most important life-issues.

In Romans 8:31-39, Jesus presents seven questions that are designed to help you commit yourself to a total trust in Him. If you can honestly and consistently answer these seven questions correctly, you will be well on your way to a life of victory. You will have established a faith-relationship with Jesus and your heavenly Father that is powerful and rewarding.


The Voice Of Truth

Thoughts And Feeling Control
You get thoughts and feelings that are not like you. You think and feel things that you don’t want to be thinking or feeling. And You get thoughts and feelings that tempt you, depress and discourage you, cause you to damage relationships, and cause you to make bad financial decisions. You need to know how to address your thoughts and feeling and bring them under control. Jesus uses the study of John 10:1-5 to put freedom into your life.

Who Does This Sound Like?
Jesus speaks to your mind and heart. But, so do the people of this world, who don’t believe in Jesus and His principles. They are willing to influence you in their directions all the time. Also, Satan will put thoughts and feelings in your mind and heart that are negative, destructive, false, and misdirected. It is easy to know when Jesus is talking to you and when your thoughts and feelings are being influenced by some other source. The tone, character, and content of Jesus’ voice can be easily identified, if you know how.


Spiritual Power

What Does Love Look Like?
In this book, Jesus explains God’s love through 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a. He examines the motivating power that will get you up in the morning with an eternal perspective. God’s love is His power to cause everything you do to be accepted and approved by Jesus. This relational-power will guide you into living your life with great success and meaning. The benefits that you and those around you gain are wonderful. God’s love is already in you; you just have to learn how to yield to it.

What Does Love Feel Like?
After “some reason” gets you up in the morning, the next thing has to do with how you go about fulfilling that reason. Is your reason for living life a good one, a selfish one, a self-sacrificing one, or a meaningless one? If your life is going to bring happiness, joy, pleasure, fulfillment, purpose, and meaning, you have to have those things in place that make that happen. God’s love is much more powerful than yours is. It empowers you to feel loved in a way that wraps you up in acceptance and relationship.


Victory Through Faith In Truth

Know The Truth
It doesn’t help to believe in someone or something that isn’t who or what is represented. Faith in someone or something that isn’t true can destroy you and your goals and plans. Truth keeps you living in the realm of the way things really are. Any false information you rely on will lead you down a wrong path. Having the truth about life, the people around you, and the issues you face will make the difference in your future results. Since Jesusis the truth and only tells the truth, your future is filled with potential.

Apply The Truth
Now that you are moving into secure truth, even though you don’t know what your future holds, you know one thing: Rom 8:28 (NIV) And we KNOW that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. When things don’t look like they are going to work out right, you know you are locked into the truth. When you apply Jesus’ truth, you have all the promises of God behind your decisions.

Excel In Truth
Jesus gives you wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to take things you know and use them with great skill and proper application. Jesus’ wisdom takes things that are neutral or truth and helps you apply them in ways no one would have ever thought possible. He helps you get the most out of all those truths you have. It just takes faith in Him and His incredible wisdom and power. When you look to Him, the way you live life is brilliant. No human can compare to what He will show you.


Victory Through God-Esteem And Confidence

Types Of Esteem And Confidence
When do you feel good about yourself? There are people who feel valuable if other people say they are good or valuable. Some people feel esteem when they decide they are a good person. Others get their feelings of value and esteem when they accomplish something that is considered important or great. Self-esteem, people-esteem, accomplishment-esteem and other human forms of esteem are weak, temporary, and inadequate for true success in life. God’s esteem and confidence in Him is all that can be counted on in all situations.

Esteem And Confidence Is Vital
We all know we have to have esteem and confidence; if we don’t, we will lack the necessary motivations, desires, and emotions to face the issues of life; we won’t be inspired to succeed. The question is, where do you get your esteem and confidence? Another important question is, what do you base your esteem and confidence on? And, you also need to ask yourself, who do you have esteem and confidence in? If your esteem and confidence are in, from, and on humans (including yourself), then you are open to unstable, unreliable, and constantly reevaluating sources.

God Esteem And Confidence
Some other important questions are, why do you base your esteem and confidence on a person or thing? Why do you feel better about yourself and more confident through that person or event? Are they qualified or is that event reliable for evaluating you? Do you find that this kind of esteem and confidence sticks with you? Or, do you find it dissipating and you needing another set of proofs? Do you trust God and His evaluations of you? If He says you are valuable and allows you to have confidence in Him, is that enough for you?


Steps To A Worldwide Christian Movement

I Want To Be Trained By Jesus
In this book, Jesus will use the Scriptures in The Sermon On The Mount to help you, as a Christian leader, Christian business person, minister, or Christian trainee to experience the training that His disciples experienced. Jesus, in the Gospels, and the disciples, in the book of Acts, had incredible success. The disciples were powerful, effective, influencial, and totally committed. The gospel message spread at a rapid rate and transformed the lives of people in large quantities. Jesus is obviously superior, as a spiritual trainer and leader, to any one else that has or ever will live on this planet. He will expose you to Scriptures from all over the Bible and train you to become like His original disciples.

Jesus Is Your Lord
Jesus will require total submission. None of His words are optional. However, it is so much easier to give yourself over to Jesus and His training. No matter where you have received your training and experience, if Jesus says what you learned isn’t right, it is easier for you to get untrained and retrained in ways that will make a huge difference in your life and ministry. This is an opportunity for you to expose yourself to Jesus, as He takes you through the Sermon On The Mount.

True Results
If you are ministering to thousands, on a daily basis, but they aren’t turning out like the Bible says they are supposed to, then Jesus’ goal isn’t being reached. Jesus’ priority isn’t in numbers, it is in the quality of each person’s heart and life. It is vital that you allow Jesus to evaluate you and those you are ministering to. You and they will be standing before Him in eternity. He will be making the decision, as to how successful you and they really are.

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