The Good News Sermon Page

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The Series:
“The Good News”

Sermon One
“Good News Heart”

Living The Good News
Our lives were filled with a whole lot of bad news.  The message of most of the people who present “news” through the media is bad news.  Those who try to surround themselves with positive thinking have all kinds of negative experiences.  It seems like no matter how hard we try, we are flooded with constant proof that all life offers is bad news. 

We have the great opportunity to experience and spread a news that stands out as the best news anyone can possibly have.  But, when we try to get our heart to accept the reality of it and we try to help others accept it, we have to deal with the pessimism and skepticism we have all developed in our hearts.  Just about the only “good” news we hear is coming from some commercial that is trying to sell us something.  They will build up their products to a level that we all know is far above anything it is able to accomplish.  Commercials tell us their products are going to revolutionize our lives.  When we buy their products, they fall far short of all their claims.  This creates a resistive heart against all messages of good news. 

Finding The Happiness We Seek
The world and the people of this world can’t give what they don’t have. 
They can just try to convince you they have it to give so you will spend your money on those things they offer.  Jesus can give us and the rest of the people in this world the good news because He possesses it.  He can do all those things the commercials claim to do and much more.  He made us and He created the world around us. 

Jesus knows what makes us happy because He created us to feel happy, when we experience certain things.  We are who He made us to be.  He made us in His own image so we would like those things He likes.  But, Satan, our body that has been contaminated, and the world are trying to tell us that other things will make us happy.  Only the good news contains the truth about what will make us happy.  Only the good news will point us in the right direction so we can find the things we seek. 

Ask Jesus to help you understand and live the good news.  Ask Him to give you a life that is the fulfillment of the good news.  Tell Him you want to so live the good news in such a way that people can see its benefits in you.  Let Him show you and live through you the good news message.  Ask Him to help you be living everything you are telling others about. 

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