Welcome To World Changers TLC
Page Six

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Jesus Still Wants A Personal
Relationship With You
Just like it has required that you turn your LIFE over to Jesus, it is going to take the same thing for your ministry. You weren’t able to live your life without Him and you won’t be able to do your ministry without Him. He is the only One Who knows what it is you are to be doing to help Him reach this world with all He has to offer.

Just like Jesus wanted us to help people learn how to study THEIR Bibles for THEMSELVES, and, just like He wanted us to help them build a “personal” relationship with Him and His Word, that is what He wants for you and your ministry.

When we first started out doing what we thought Jesus wanted us to do, we actually were helping them develop a “personal” dependency on us. They had to come to us to get ALL the information they needed for EVERYTHING they wanted from God; we became their MEDIATOR between them and God.

Once you learned HOW to get all your needs met through Jesus, you have been able to work out the details for the rest of your life between you and Him. We, as God’s people, need to teach others HOW TO GET Jesus and His information. Then Jesus will take it from there and teach all of us WHAT He wants us to start believing, living, and ministering.
Jesus Wants To Help Them Grow
In Their Relationship With Him
World Changers TLC is designed to simply set out instructions for each of us to follow that will facilitate our being able to have our own relationship with Jesus. It isn’t the program that helps with that; it is the Scriptures that are USED that will point us to the way for reaching the whole world. The objective will be to provide the Scriptures that will show you what Jesus did and what He taught His disciples to do.

You won’t be taught what kind of ministry God has called you into; no specifics will be telling you where you belong in Jesus’ work; you will simply be exposed to the Scriptures that tell you what Jesus has available and what the Bible says we are to do to yield to them. You will be guided into a study of looking at Jesus and helped to see how He did it.

Once you, Jesus, your heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit are united in the Biblical principles for ministry and world-wide outreach, you will be able to work out the specifics of what, where, when, who, and how it all applies to you. If you properly take a look at all these Scriptures, you will be set free from systems, organizations, and methods that are all around you. Rather than falling into the trap that many have found themselves in, God and His Word will keep you moving in the right directions.

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