Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets

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Books, Prayer Studies,
And Worksheets
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Other Prayers And Prayer Studies
In addition to the prayer studies in The Prayer Courses, there are prayers and prayer studies that further aid you in your life and spiritual growth. Below, you will find a list of prayers and prayer studies that you can access from this page. There is a brief description for each prayer or study.

The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation
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Being Prepared To Share Salvation
This prayer is provided for you to use to help a friend with getting their power life. There is also a course that Jesus can use to help you be better prepared. These two resources are for Jesus to help you study how to help someone become a Christian. They should be studied BEFORE you need to already be trained and ready. In other words, it is important for you to allow Jesus to prepare you through this prayer and this course so you will be ready when an opportunity comes your way.

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Praying The Psalms
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Seeing How The Psalms Can Help
Above is a course that is vital to your and your friend’s relationship with God. Below is a list of fifty Psalms you can get so Jesus can help you become powerful in your prayers. Talking to Jesus and Him talking with you is a part of the three keys to all of Christianity--Ask, Seek, and Knock (Mat 7:7-11). Jesus uses this study and these fifty Psalm prayers to help you be able to understand not only how to talk to your heavenly Father, He actually uses them to give you valuable information and examples for what to pray, how to pray, and when to pray.

David, God’s Master Prayer Developer
David was a man after God’s own heart. His ability to pray was a work of art and an intimate communication with God. He would come to God with his problems and before the prayer was over, he would be praising God for the answer. God would respond to the beginning of David’s prayer and David would praise God because of the truths God had just given him. David’s skill in prayer will be a great help to you as Jesus uses them to train you in prayer.

- Select This For “Praying The Psalms Introduction”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 1-5”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 6-10”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 11-15”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 16-20”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 21-25”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 26-30”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 31-35”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 36-40”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 41-45”

- Select This For A Copy Of “Psalms 46-50”

A Prayer For Remaining In Jesus
Select This For “A Prayer For Remaining In Jesus”

John 15:7 (NIV) If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. What a wonderful promise Jesus made to you! But, the only way for that promise to be fulfilled in your life is for you to remain in Jesus and His words remain in you. Here is a prayer workbook Jesus can use to help you make this a goal in your life. It is just a four page workbook; but, Jesus can use it to give you the opportunity to make this an issue of prayer.

There is a texbook and workbook combination called “The Jesus Life.” It covers John 15:1-17 in a much greater detail. If you want to really get involved in remaining in Jesus, then this book will help you and Jesus work together to start you from the beginning of the issue and work your way through to a powerful life in Him.

Select Here To Get A Copy Of The Jesus Life LIFEstyle Book On John 15:1-17

A Prayer For Kingdom Living
Select This For “A Prayer For Kingdom Living”

This is a prayer workbook that takes Colossians 1:9-14 and helps you pray to be a part of God’s Kingdom. It is only three pages long; but, it gives you an opportunity let Jesus help you pray about things that are vital for now and for eternity. There isn’t a specific course or book available for this Colossians prayer workbook; but, it is a wonderful resource for your prayer times.

Select This To Get A Copy Of A Prayer For The Provisions Of Romans Chapter Eight

This is an eight page prayer workbook that Jesus can use to help you take ten very important spiritual steps. Below is a much more involved textbook and workbook combination that goes through Romans chapter eight. Romans chapter eight is the chapter in the Bible that Jesus uses to empower you with the mighty work of the Holy Spirit.

Select Here To Get A Copy Of “Committing To A Life Of Success LIFEstyle Book” On Romans Chapter Eight

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